EVV Solutions

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The 21st Century Cures Act requires EVV systems to capture six key data points during service delivery:
  1. Date of Service: The date when the service was provided.
  2. Start and End Times: The exact time the caregiver begins and ends the service.
  3. Location of Service: The physical location where the service was delivered.
  4. Type of Service: The specific type of service provided.
  5. Individual Providing Service: The name of the caregiver or provider delivering the service.
  6. Individual Receiving Service: The name of the Client receiving the service.
Respitrack Software for respite agencies is designed to meet these requirements effectively:
  1. Date of Service: Respitrack records the date of each service session automatically upon initiation.
  2. Start and End Times: The Respitrack Mobile App precisely records the start and end times of each caregiving session, ensuring accurate tracking of service duration.
  3. Location of Service: Utilizing GPS tracking, Respitrack accurately logs the physical location where the service is being delivered, ensuring transparency and accountability.
  4. Type of Service: Respitrack allows caregivers to select the specific type of service being provided from a predefined list of activity codes, ensuring clarity regarding the nature of the care delivered.
  5. Individual Providing Service: The Respitrack Mobile App captures the caregiver’s identity, ensuring accountability by logging who provided the service.
  6. Individual Receiving Service: Respitrack records the name of the Client receiving the service, completing the verification loop and providing a comprehensive record of service delivery.
Overall, Respitrack Software fulfills the EVV requirements set forth by the 21st Century Cures Act by accurately capturing and documenting the six essential data points during service delivery, thereby promoting transparency, accountability, and integrity.

What is Electronic Visit Verification?

Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) is a system mandated by the 21st Century Cures Act in the United States to electronically verify when home-based care services are delivered. The aim is to ensure accurate tracking of services and prevent fraud and abuse.